Your work
& career is such a major part of your life,
it seems only fair to spend time focussing on making sure that it is aligned with where you should be or want to be in life. Making the tough decisions along the way shouldn’t feel like a burden to shoulder alone. Let’s work this out together.
Clara Career Coaching will be right for you, if you are:​​
Just starting out, leaving school or University, & lost in where to start?
Stuck in an unfulfilling job & worrying about finding that next role?
Unsure of your careers direction or what the next step is?
Or have you had a major bump in your career and you don't know how to navigate around it or over it?
Find our more information for yourself below with the differing Career Services at Clara and Calma.

people with their Careers has been the main thread throughout my own Career

Assisting and helping
I am excited to be a guide, a coach, a mentor for what you are currently facing with your own career decisions and your own work, job and career issues. Here is a little bit about the breadth and depth of my own Career working with others Careers, so you can get to know my work a little better …..
Shannon Ring
is a Professional Member of the Career Development Association of New Zealand, a current Career Development Consultant at the University of Auckland and has 15 years in the industry of having Career Conversations working across:
Recruitment Agencies
Human Resources & Recruitment for Industry
Career Counselling & Coaching both for tertiary & private clients​
She has helped her clients work towards their dream job, helped them understand what companies are looking for, assisted in developing their careers once they are within a company, helped coach people going through redundancies, dealing with unforeseen circumstances, and coaching tertiary students through the tough decisions around their career direction.

After working together, you’ll:
Feel strengthened and empowered to reach and obtain for what you didn't think you could
Feel motivated, confident & secure in the next steps you need to take for your career & the direction its heading
Feel passionate about the part of your life where you spend most of your time. It can & should feel purposeful.
Check out below what clients have experienced …..

“Shannon helped me unlock potential in myself that I didn't know I possessed. When I first met Shannon I very quickly realised Shannon was exceptional at her job. Not only does she possess a vast skill set that revamped both my CV and LinkedIn profile, but she also genuinely cared about my personal development. She is passionate and goes above and beyond what is expected, which makes a massive difference. In less than a few sessions, under Shannon's guidance and coaching, I landed an internship role that I thought was beyond my reach. I look forward to my future career pathway, knowing I have Shannon's help and support to achieve many more things I thought were impossible.”